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Legal Regulations


Overview of regulations concerning the use of retroreflective materials:

Überblick über Vorschriften, die den Einsatz von retroreflektierenden Materialien regeln:


Info  DIN 30170

Info  DIN 4844

Info  DIN 76520


Use of vehicle warning markings

Use of industrial warning markings

Requirements for reflective films for objects in traffic areas (relevant for container warning markings)

Info  DIN 6171

Overhead colours for traffic signs and traffic facilities (relevant for container warning markings)


Info  ECE 69 Rear marking of slow-moving vehicles

Info  ECE 70 Rear marking of heavy and long vehicles


Heckmarkierung langsam fahrender Fahrzeuge

Heckmarkierung schwerer und langer Fahrzeuge

Info  ECE 104 Retroreflective markings on heavy and long vehicles (contour markings)

Info  ECE 150 Summarised regulations for retroreflective devices and markings

 Retroreflective markings on heavy and long vehicles (contour markings)

 Summarised regulations for retroreflective devices and markings


Info  § 17 StVO

Info  § 32 StVO

Info  § 35 StVO


Lighting   Marking of stopping vehicles

Traffic    Obstacles Marking of containers

Special rights    Marking of vehicles with special rights


Info  § 49a StVZO

Info  § 51c StVZO

Info  § 52 StVZO

Info  § 53b StVZO Equipment and marking of attachments and tail lifts    Marking of tail lifts

Info  § 58 StVZO

Info  § 70 StVZO


Technical lighting equipment     Definition and use of lighting equipment (incl. reflective films)

Parking warning signs    Marking of parked vehicles and trailers

Additional headlamps and lights    Additional headlights and lights for vehicles with special rights

Equipment and marking of attachments and tail lifts    Marking of tail lifts

Speed signs   Requirements for speed signs

Exceptions    Exceptional authorisations for fire brigades


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